Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Great Gold Award Project

“For their Girl Scout Gold Award project, Hilgenberg and Pavlik undertook the restoration of the Olympia Brown Nature Trail located on the school's grounds.  Hilgenberg began her work by identifying all the plants and animals, coordinating the planting of flowers and bulbs along the trail, and creating a series of animal habitats including bird houses, brush piles, and bat houses.

Pavlik was responsible for working with school officials to ensure the project met the needs of the students, school and the community. She designed and built plant, tree, and animal identification markers for the trail. In addition, she worked with the school's science club advisor to develop a self guided habitat and wildlife worksheet for the school's students. Pavlik coordinated and hosted the ribbon cutting ceremony for school officials when the project was completed.”  Excerpted from the Wisconsin Journal Times June 2011

Wow!  Great project, and I bet they spent waaaay more than 80 hours apiece on this.  It would have been interesting to hear more:

What root issue did they pick to address? 

How did they know there was a need to fill?

Was their project advisor from the Nature Trail staff?  Private?  State?

How much money did they need to raise? 

How did they raise it?

Who was the team?  And how did the girls educate and lead them?

Sure seems like it was a sustainable project, but who/what entity will provide the maintenance on the trails, replace broken signs, make the self guided worksheet available for the students, etc.?

In the old Gold requirements, two girls could team up and do a project together – as long as they each had separate responsibilities and each had the hours individually for the project.  In the new Journey requirements, all projects will be one girl: one project. 

Could this project have been a solo girl Gold Award Take Action Project?  I think so.  It may have looked a little different, but our Gold Girls can accomplish any task they set their minds to!!!!

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