“Most people look up and admire the stars.
A champion climbs a mountain and grabs one.”
We had the drop-in session for the girls working on their Gold Award
Projects this past Sunday. There
were 5 of us from the Older Girl Committee/Gold Award Interviewers, and we all agreed,
we spoke with some great girls!
But I'd have to say, not very many champions. Most of the projects were
under-whelming and not very hard to accomplish. Most of the girls had a good
idea as to what they wanted to do, but it didn't seem very challenging to
them. Only a few were ready to
"climb the mountain and grab the star!"
So what did we interviewers do?
We tried to pump them up! Get them to look outside their comfort zone
into what their Gold Award Project could
look like. We emphasized the importance of identifying their issue and root
cause. We challenged the girl to find a project that would address this cause
and make a difference in her community.
We asked many questions, knowing we wouldn't get most of the answers
right away.
And for some, we completely dumped cold water on them! When one girl started her project
description with, "I plan to start a Day Camp for..." I had to just say no, that's not a Gold
Award Project. I had to totally take her out of her comfort zone and think
about issues she might be interested, who her team of support could be, who her
team of workers could be, and what they wanted to accomplish.
But my favorite quote came from the Mom who, after listening to me ask
some easy questions and not getting the answers back, smiled at her daughter
and said, "you're going to have to commit to doing the work for
this!" That Mom had nailed
it: the girl needs to do the work!
And she needs to use her passion and drive to make it happen. It's not going to look like a Girltopia
Take Action Project, nor is it a group project, as her Silver was. This girl is going to have to commit
and do it. Or not. It's her decision. I'm hoping she chooses to climb the mountain....
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