Monday, May 14, 2012

100th Anniversary Art Quilt


Is this a great art quilt, or what?  A Girl Scout, good friend and fiber quilt artist, Jamie Fingal just finished this quilt for the 100th Anniversary.  I just love it!  

I asked her why it resonates so much with me?  And she responded, that it's the happy colors!  I think it's also that my First Class Pin is in it (top left corner) as well as my original GS pin.  Good memories from my youth.

Jamie has donated this art quilt to our Adult Recognition Lunch event as an Opportunity Prize.  If you're there, you can buy a special ticket, and have a chance to win. There will only be one winner, and we will announce that person at the event.

Put the date on your calendar (if it isn't already) and send in a reservation ASAP!  
June 3, 2012. Disneyland Hotel.


  1. Thanks for posting my Girl Scout quilt on the blog! Good press is always welcome. Be a sister to every Girl Scout.

  2. Oh my gosh, I want to win that!!!


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