Thursday, August 16, 2012

Build Something - Is that enough?

“I have always enjoyed spending time at Crooked Creek Horse Park in Manor. That is why I chose to do my Girl Scout Gold Award Project for them. For my project, I built a sandbox and picnic table for their new playground, restored their picnic tables, painted a pavilion, and stained their horse arena. When I completed my project, I had a grand-opening picnic for the children. It was a great success,” Bell said. From GSUSA blog

 There's something to be said for building something that can last a long, long time at an existing playground.  I hope that she had other pieces that went with this, that the article failed to mention.

Issue:  lack of play equipment for kids and lack of upkeep at the Horse Park
Root cause:  money/budget? no one was interested?  or?
Partner with a non-profit:  could be she partnered with the Crooked Creek Horse Park
Discover:  how can I address the need in my community?  In this case, the specific community was the Horse park.  I also hope it was open to the public!
Team:  Who did she gather to educate about the need? Who was the team that helped her build the picnic tables and stain/paint the arena area?  The Gold Award is about leadership, and Bell needed to have a team to lead!  Did Bell and her team plan and carry out the Grand Opening?  Did she get the local newspaper to do an article?  Local news channel to do a feature?  or????  What helped make it meaningful?
Connect:  How did she decide what to do?  How did she figure out a way to fill the need?
Take Action:  There was action!  And it was action that could be seen!
Measurable:  How could she measure success?  Count kids who come to play? or?
Sustainable:  The Gold Award says that she must ensure sustainability.  Did the Horse Park take over the responsibility for maintaining the playground equipment?  painting and staining?
Global:  How could this work in other communities?  Seems possible that there is a similar need in many communities - equestrian and not.  Could this model be followed in other places to make a similar change?


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