Excerpted from the GSUSA blog Dec.11, 20121
Kim Crawford, a Girl Scout from Brighton, has earned Girl Scouts’
highest honor, the Gold Award, for a project she did to collect 600+
toothbrushes and toothpaste for those in need in Africa. What makes this
accomplishment even more special is Kim, who is a junior in high
school, is developmentally delayed (she only reads at 1st grade level),
but hasn’t let her disability hold her back.
Kim spent months on her project and received a lot of support from
her Brighton community. Everyone who donated to the project signed a
poster, which Kim sent to Africa with the donations. And all the people
who received her donations in Africa also signed the poster and returned
it at the end of the project. When talking to Kim, she uses the words
“happy and proud” to describe how it made her feel to help others
through this project. In fact, helping others is one of the main reasons
she likes being a Girl Scout.
Kim is part of the Special Olympics and other organizations in her
community, but Girl Scouts by far is her favorite where she’s been able
to interact with peers who are not like herself.
I love to read about how every girl can have success in Girl Scouts! This girl did the best she could, to the best of her ability. And she had success. I congratulate her on achieving her Gold Award!
Was this an appropriate Gold Award Project for an able-body/mind girl? No, it's really just a large collection project, but for Kim, it was a stretch. But she truly connected to the project, and made a personal touch to those she served.
This is what we want all our girls to do: make a difference in their community. Touch those they mean to serve. Learn about needs, and choose one to fill. As Kim did, they will lead with courage, confidence and character to make the world a better place. '
And that's what it's all about.
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