Wednesday, February 13, 2013


(Do you have an 11th or 12th grade girl interested in completing an Ambassador Journey?  Anne Rizzacasa and I will be offering one this summer, and we're looking for girls!  The attached info is our preliminary info.  We would love to have feedback, so that we can fine tune the Journey. We're excited to offer this Series to our Ambassador girls.)

               JUSTICE Journey Series 2013
      Here's our tentative plan for the Series:

Meeting Times
5 - 4 hour sessions during the summer
            (potentially Sundays June 23 and 30/July 14, 21, 28)
            (potentially Wednesdays instead, same weeks)

1 - overnight at Laguna Beach Scout House July 17-18

1 - Sunday afternoon in the fall (girls to choose) to come back together to celebrate the completion of their Take Action Projects and present awards.

Meeting place:  Anaheim or Irvine. Still working on it....

Field Trips - most included - going for a variety of experiences to find the issues that the girls may want to get Justice for. Contacting potential businesses to host a session and provide information.  Big use of girl's interview skills. Consensus building.  Sitting at every stone, and hearing all sides.

Optional side trips - not required, but will be offered based on interest

Price for Series:  Still trying to get that together

Included:  snack and beverages, transportation for trips, Journey book

Who:  11th and 12th graders, including incoming 11th graders

Will they earn the award in the 5 sessions?  No.  We will do the work that leads up to the Take Action Project, which the girls will do after our sessions.

What will the girls do?  
Search for Justice for the earth
Search out environmental issues, then identify the one(s) they want to address
Do the research to support their position
Create an "Equation for Justice" - "a definition of environmental justice and an
            equation for achieving it."
It's about environmental justice, and what it means to each girl
Then they invite people to think big.  And inspire others to make a "daily
            commitment to justice."
The Take Action Project is a presentation of their Justice for an issue

Series put on by:  Ann Crane and Anne Rizzacasa
949-254-5620 cel Ann

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