Great Gold

Gold Award Project #1
Issue:  Domestic Violence -- too big.  How to drill down to how a Gold Award girl can work with the topic.  Girl chose to focus on the issue of safe teen dating

Root Cause:  Boys might not know how to treat girls respectfully. 

Project:  Educate all kids at the high school about how boys should treat girls.  Educate all on the 7 danger signs of an abusive person/relationship.

Team:  Started Domestic Violence Club, brought in speakers, handed out information.

Agency to help:  Laura's House in South County

Measurability:  Count how many kids attended the club. Count how many kids heard the message.

Sustainability:  Ensured by club continuing for years. Leader line of succession

Global aspect:  What if every school in the district got the info- what a greater impact could be made.

Gold Award Project #2
Issue:  Girls dropping out of equestrian center competition.

Root Cause:  Families can't afford the costumes/accouterments that go with each competition level

Project:  Create a check-out closet of competition outfits.  Identify 2 dry-cleaners to clean the outfits.  Create a hanger, detail list, size chart for each outfit and keep in cleaner bags.  Build a closet and put a lock on it.

Team:  Girls from the Equestrian Center, friends, few GS troop members

Agency to help:  Equestrian Center

Measurability:  Could track number of times outfits were checked out, increased number of participants. Number of outfits dry-cleaned.

Sustainability:  Taken over by the staff at the center

Global:  Could happen in other stables/equestrian centers.

Two very different projects, but both work with the new Journey Gold Award Take Action Project requirements.  These girls identified a need, had passion, did the work and made a difference in their communities.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla's Gold Award Website link no longer works. I'm redirected to the verizon search engine stating it's either unavailable or no longer exist.


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