Thursday, December 1, 2011

Domestic Violence

I was at an Advisory Committee Meeting the other night for Human Options, a local non-profit that works to break the cycle of domestic violence (DV).  We were talking about issues that face raising money and awareness about DV, and it brought to mind a conversation I’ve had twice now, with Senior girls.

During the Girltopia, Journey the girls had the opportunity to map their community and put in the pieces that were there.  And I made sort of a joking comment that I didn’t see a women’s shelter, and the response surprised me!  I was told, “we live in a nice community,: there’s no domestic violence here.”   And then in a Gold Award Project interview, I had a similar response.

My response was startling to each of them!  I told them that in Orange County, 1 in 5 women are touched by domestic violence in their lives.  That DV knows no color, no economic income level, no religion and no residence.  It’s all around us, and we don’t know who has been touched by it.  In my Advisory Board meeting, of the 8 of us sitting around the table, 2 were survivors of DV.  

I told the committee about the girls and the Girl Scout Gold Award Project, and I asked,  “how can a girl identify the DV issue, be passionate about it and want to Take Action, but not have the 40 hour training required to work with the shelter women and children?”  I explained that a Gold Award Project needed to be more than just a collection of needed things.  The girls need to use their leadership to make a difference in the world and take action.

We did not come up with an answer, but Vivian Clecak, the Executive Director for Human Options, left the door open for further discussion.  I think it would be great to offer girls the chance to hear from Vivian and then take the lead to create their own Take Action Projects!  She is a very passionate speaker about DV, and also a therapist, so she knows how to speak well, and listen hard.

Perhaps as Senior Advisors and/or Project Advisors, this is how we can help the girls take the lead and create their own project.  Help them to identify the Root Issue that they are passionate about, then help to channel that into inspiration and focus for a project.

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