Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dream big!

True motivation comes from within –
from the willingness to see a dream fulfilled –
from the desire to leave the world better than you found it.”
                       - Steve Brunkhorst, Life Strategies Coach

Dream Big!  That's what we want our girls to do! We want them to think about the world around them.  Then focus on the community they live in.  Making a difference.  Making the world a better place.

Not, "let's make some neo-natal caps for the preemies", but "let's find a way to educate all Moms about the importance of folic acid and nutrition when they get pregnant."

Not, "let's collect blankets for the dogs in the shelter," but "let's create a curriculum for our city to get the word out about how important spaying and neutering pets is, along with a list of services."

Not, "let's make a birthday in a box for the local women's shelter," but "let's lead a series of workshops for our school about how boys should treat girls, with resources for services"

Not, "let's create a club for 15 women in my church," but "let's create linkage/education opportunities for women with each other and with other church groups to strengthen their commitment to serve and each other."

Not, "let's collect cel phones to donate to the local Domestic Violence shelter," but "let's create a sustainable program at school to teach kids about appropriate behavior at home and in relationships so that they don't wind up in a DV situation."

Not, "let's collect used trophies to donate to low budget sports programs," but "let's create a program to raise self esteem by using sports as a vehicle to do so."

Your girls are going to need to be motivated, to be sure, to complete this Award. It's not meant to be easy.  It takes time, and it will truly take a willing girl and supportive parents/advisor/team to leave the world a better place than she found it.

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