Sunday, July 1, 2012

Garlands for the Gold!

To have ideas is to gather flowers; to think is to weave them into garlands."
--Anne Sophie Swetchine,
Russian mystic and salon owner

I'd never heard of this woman, but I liked the image her quote brought to mind. I like the idea that our Gold girls are gathering ideas, these kernels of possilbilities, as they move through their daily lives.  And as they gather these ideas, they are thinking about which to select: the prettiest, the most unusual, the most interesting flowers to weave together.

Their Gold Award Project is truly a garland.  It reflects who they are, and how they think about the world around them.  It also shows how they took potentially disparate ideas and wove them into a Take Action Project.

In my mind, I see the garland as a May Day Crown - loosely woven together, pretty, not heavy, but with wonderful thought and heart put into its creation.  There's room to add more petals and flowers, and there's opportunity to shed some too.

We're asking the girls to reach high and come up with something wonderful!  As advisors, we are also here to nurture, to water and feed the growth of the ideas, to encourage re-invention and imagination.

These Seniors/Ambassadors can do it!  And we can help guide.  What a rich task of weaving that can become, as well.

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