Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brand Ambassador

I was reading the New York Times the other day, and there was an article about the cosmetic company Lancome, and those who represent their brand.  Actually, they said, “…make way for the “brand ambassador”.  Over the last few years, this term, "conjuring up a Girl Scout sash and a certain Euro flair, has become a retail buzzword.”

Who knew?  Our Ambassador Girl Scouts are “brand ambassadors” for Girl Scouting, and on a NATIONAL level, have become a buzzword.

Pretty nice!  The article goes on to say, “they (Lancome Ambassadors) are to bridge the gap between their loyal customers and the celebrities that appear in their ads.”   Well, we aren’t quite at that level of celebrity, but isn’t this what we ask our Ambassadors to do?  To learn how to connect with their past, and to bridge to the future?  The Journey books for Ambassadors really have the girls identifying issues and taking action in their communities.

Just as a Gold Award Project does!  (You knew I’d get that in here, somehow!!!)  These 11th and 12th grade girls are up to their eyeballs with school, sports, drama, clubs and Girl Scouts, yet they choose to take on the challenge of a Gold Award Project.  They make the time, identify their issue and with our guidance, create and execute a worthy Gold Award Project.  They are truly the Ambassadors for our program.

As they apply for colleges, that little box that gets checked has HUGE meaning to the Admissions Office. It says that this young woman has completed the hardest award that Girl Scouting has to offer. She’s a better person.  A person concerned about her community, and she is ready for the next big challenge in her life. College!

Now what celebrity ambassador can say THAT!

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