Thursday, June 21, 2012

Observation and Discovery

"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe."
Marilyn vos Savant,
American columnist

I pretty much always read this author's column in the Los Angeles Times Calendar section on Sundays.  I'm hoping that Marilyn is a real person, and that the "Letters to the Savant" are real too!  (If not, please don't burst my bubble of belief!)  Sometimes she is figuring out the answers to riddles and trick questions, but then I read a quote like this, and I remember why I like her column all over again!  She thinks!

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) is all about acquiring knowledge:  that's where the badge work comes in. And it's all about leadership:  that's where the Journeys come in.  As our girls work through both badges and Journeys, they're getting ready for something bigger and better.

That would be the Gold Award Project!  This is where we truly want the girls to use their skills and leadership to make the world a better place.  And the first thing we ask them to do is to observe.  To DISCOVER what needs there are in the community that need addressing?  To discover who needs help?  Who already serves this population?  What agency is looking for help? etc.

And then we ask her to acquire the knowledge:  to CONNECT to the issue and audience she wishes to reach.  To connect to the issue, be it homeless puppies, homeless people, bike riders, joggers or whomever!  The girl needs to dive deep and come up with some answers! 

Then she gathers her team and TAKES ACTION to make a sustainable difference in the community.  Not a service project, merely making a difference for a day, but to make a difference in the long term.  It needs to be measurable and sustainable.

Discover, Connect and Take Action. That's what GSLE all about!

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