Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Take Courage!

Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air."     
         --John Quincy Adams,
           Sixth U.S. President

We want our girls to lead with courage, confidence and character to make the world a better place!  And I think JQA had it right:  courage can be contagious.  And courage with a stick-to-itiveness is hard to beat!

How can our girls gain the courage to create a stupendous Gold Award Take Action Project?  How can they learn to lead?
How can they self esteem and self-confidence to choose an issue and make it their own?

The Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) provides the opportunity for the girls to gain these great skills in the Journeys.  Throughout all the Journeys, at each level, the girls are asked to lead their own experience at their age level.  So, as they progress up that Ladder of Leadership, they gain new skills and refresh learned ones.  It's not as though they are all of a sudden given the Gold Award Take Action Project out of the blue!  The girls have had the opportunity to practice, to get ready, by completing their Bronze and Silver Take Action Projects and/or by completing Journeys and badges.

After years of Scouting, our girls are ready to take on the challenge of the Gold!  With our bolstering, support and cheerleading, they are ready to gather up their courage and make a change in their community.  We encourage all of you to encourage THEM to lead with courage and to persevere to achieve their goals. Courage and certainty are contagious, and our girls can call on these attributes as they use their leadership to affect change.

I"ve said it before, and I'll probably say it again:  our girls CAN do it!

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